Fund Recovery Scam

Overview of Fund Recovery Scams:

What would be worse than realizing that all of your money has been lost to an ugly scam? To be scammed again by the fund recovery company that promised to get all your money back. Yes, you read that right, after scam brokers, fund recovery scams have become a common way to fool people and get a little more money out of them. These fund recovery scammers pamper the victims with fake promises of delivering all the money that they lost in exchange for a small amount of money in advance. Want to know more about fund recovery scams and tips on how you can avoid them? Read this review till the end. If you find this article helpful, make sure you share it with your friends to help them avoid these brutal fund recovery scams as well.

How does the Fund Recovery work?

  • The vulnerability exploiter
    The fund recovery scams work when the scammers collaborate with the scam brokers in the industry. These scam brokers compile all the names of their victims into a list and sell the information to the fund recovery scammers. The Fund recovery scammers will conduct cold calls wherein they will claim to recover all of the money that they have lost. The victims, desperate after their recent loss, will readily agree to this without giving it a second thought. Taking advantage of this vulnerable state of mind, the scammers demand thousands of dollars as the fees thereby putting a bigger financial burden on the poor victim. At the end, when the victim tries to contact the scammers for an update, they are left with a deactivated number or no-one receiving the call.
  • Charging for free things
    Another common type of scam that successfully manages to rap the innocent victims in its claws is when the scammers charge money for something that can be done by the victims themselves free of cost. Sometimes, these fund recovery scammers will charge hundreds of dollars just to clear a dispute with a credit card company. In all practical sense, all it takes to solve a dispute with the credit card company is calling the company representative. Sometimes, the fund recovery scams charge money to even file a complaint with the government regulation. In a state of vulnerability, the victims often forget that the government regulations do not charge fees for filing a complaint.

How to avoid the Fund Recovery Scams?

  • Do not believe the emails, calls, messages, etc that advertise recovery of money that you lost in a scam. You must always conduct a proper check before giving your hard-earned money to any company.
  • You must never reveal details such as bank account details, credit cards, etc. to the people who claim to help in fund recovery.
  • You must know that only the scammers in disguise would ask you to pay through uncommon ways such as cryptocurrencies and wire transfers.
  • If you receive a check in the name of a refund and have more money than what was lost, Be extra careful. This is one of the tricks of fund recovery scammers.